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Using 3D Scanners to Design Wearables

Using 3D Scanners to Design Wearables

However, with the increasing affordability of additive manufacturing and 3D scanners, they are now easily accessible to designers, empowering them to create unique, personalized products that cater...

ApplicationsHow to 3D Scan a Person

How to 3D Scan a Person

What drives someone to 3D scan a person? Lust for gold? Power? Or does it just save them a ton of time? It’s probably the third one, but you never can honestly know. The popularity of 3D scanning p...

Scanning knowledgeTop 11 3D Scanning Mistakes

Top 11 3D Scanning Mistakes

When it comes to 3D scanning, like learning to cook, drive a car, or master photography, there are always a bunch of mistakes that someone starting out can easily make if they don’t know about them...

Buying GuidesMIRACO’s Best Accessories

MIRACO’s Best Accessories

However, even with its impressive capabilities, it can still need a helping hand from some of these handy accessories to offer an optimal scanning experience in every scenario.

Buying Guides5 Reasons to Get a 3D Scanner

5 Reasons to Get a 3D Scanner

So, let’s look at five reasons to get a 3D scanner.

Scanning knowledgeWhat is a 3D Scanner?

What is a 3D Scanner?

let's look at the fascinating world of 3D scanners and explore why they are so widely used.