When it comes to 3D scanning, like learning to cook, drive a car, or master photography, there are always a bunch of mistakes that someone starting out can easily make if they don’t know about them...
let's look at the fascinating world of 3D scanners and explore why they are so widely used.
Enhance 3D scanning with Revopoint's convenient tracking aids: paper, reference objects, sticky tape, and magnets.
A quick, handy guide explaining precision vs. accuracy in terms of 3D scanning as well as the difference between point distance and accuracy.
Post-processing Your Point Cloud in Revo Scan
Get to grips with your point clouds with this brief guide on how to optimize your point cloud in Revo Scan.
Post-processing Your Mesh in Revo Scan
Sometimes meshes need a bit of work to get them ready, and with this handy guide, you can learn how to post-process your mesh in Revo Scan.