Ok, so as you hopefully know by now, when 3D scanning an item with mainly flat featureless surfaces, you need some kind of 3D scanning tracking aids like marker points placed on or around it. However, some other handy solutions can be faster and more convenient than sticking many marker points around the object. So let’s get into it. Paper/Cloth Yep, sometimes all you need to do is put a scrunched-up sheet of paper or cloth under the object you’re scanning, and now a Revopoint 3D scanner should have no problems tracking it in feature mode. However, don’t use black paper or fabric, as the scanner will struggle to see it. If you want the post-processing removal of the paper or cloth to be easier, ensure your object is raised off it so you can quickly clip away the unwanted part while post-processing. Reference Objects These can be feature-rich objects like action figures, shoes, or pineapples placed around the object you want to scan. You may only need one, depending on what you’re scanning. For example, if scanning a car’s tire, placing a feature-rich object inside the tire that pokes out over the side is enough for a scanner like the RANGE to track. Sticky Tape Sometimes for whatever reason, you might not want to place tons of markers on an object individually and then spend a long time scrapping them off one by one. And with the help of clear sticky tape, you don’t need to. Just place strips of clear tape across your object and then attach markers to the tape. Meaning you get the benefits of the markers but can remove the markers quickly by just pulling off the tape. Though do be careful with this if your object is painted, as the tape may pull chunks of it off. Dodecahedron Magnets Here’s a good one if you’re scanning something with a magnetic surface, as they are easy to attach and detach from the object when scanning it. And you can make your own if you have a 3D printer, just print them out and add some magnets and marker stickers for your own reusable, easy-to-use reference objects.