Revopoint, a global leader in 3D scanning technology, will display its innovative solutions at the upcoming Formnext, the premier Additive Manufacturing exhibition in Frankfurt, Germany. From November 19th to 22nd, Revopoint will be located at booth E01 in Hall 12.1 with its latest technologies. The star of Revopoint's exhibits this year will be the Revopoint MetroX 3D scanner, which was recently launched on Kickstarter with great success. The breakthrough device combines hybrid multi-line blue laser and full-field blue structured light. It features four modes: Cross Lines laser, Parallel Lines laser, Full-field structured light, and Auto Turntable, making it versatile for various applications. Visitors will have the chance to see and experience this advanced product firsthand. In addition to MetroX, Revopoint will present our full range of highly rated scanners. The stand-alone MIRACO 3D scanner awarded the Red Dot Best of Best 2024, excels at capturing intricate details on small objects and entire objects like cars. The POP 3 Plus 3D scanner, an upgraded version of the popular POP 3, boasts a 20% improvement in accuracy over its predecessor. Also on display will be the MINI 2, which captures the tiniest details with a precision of up to 0.02 mm, and the RANGE 2, designed for efficiently scanning large objects. Visitors can expect on-site demonstrations of automotive parts, gadgets, and full-body scans using Revopoint 3D scanners at the exhibition. Interested attendees are welcome to visit Revopoint's booth during Formnext 2024.