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MIRACO Plus 3D Scanner

Metrologie-Qualität Blaulaser-Scans

MetroX 3D Scanner

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POP 3 Plus 3D Scanner

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using MINI 2 3D scanner to capture details for reverse engineering

Reverse Engineering

Optimieren Sie Reverse-Engineering-Projekte, indem Sie schnell submillimetergenaue 3D-Modelle erstellen, die für den Import in CAD-Software bereit sind.

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using RANGE 2 3D scanner to scan a yacht and making vehicle modification


Erfassen Sie jedes Teil eines Fahrzeugs schnell und genau, ohne manuelle Messungen oder Tonmodellierung für Reparaturen, Reproduktionen, Prototypen oder Qualitätskontrolle.

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doing historic preservation with Revopoint high accuracy 3d scanner


Digitalisieren Sie historische Schätze sicher mit fotorealistischen Farben und Details zur Erhaltung oder Restaurierung.

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using revopoint 3d scanners for healthcare such as orthodontics


Erstellen Sie perfekt passende maßgeschneiderte Gesundheitslösungen mit detaillierten Scans von Körperteilen oder Zahnabdrücken.

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scanning for creative art and design with revopoint 3d scanner

Kunst und Design

Erfassen Sie jede Kurve und Falte komplexer organischer Formen perfekt, um Ihnen bei der Erstellung Ihres Meisterwerks oder beim Design von Kleidung, Schmuck, Möbeln oder anderen Dingen zu helfen.

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geting 3d models by 3d scanners for 3d printing


Entfalten Sie das volle Potenzial des 3D-Drucks, indem Sie die Fähigkeit nutzen, jedes reale Objekt in ein genaues 3D-Modell umzuwandeln, das für den Import in 3D-Druck-Slicer-Software bereit ist.

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using 3d scanners for digital entertainment such as vr or ar

Digitale Unterhaltung

Beschleunigen Sie Ihre VFX-Prozesse für CGI, Spieledesign oder VR/AR-Projekte um mehr als das Zehnfache, indem Sie die zeitaufwendige Arbeit der 3D-Modellierung eliminieren.

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using MIRACO 3D scanner to scan big objects such as helicopters for aerospace

Luft- und Raumfahrt

Scannen Sie Flugzeugteile schnell, um Abnutzung und Ermüdung zu überprüfen oder um Ersatzteile zu erstellen.

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<p>Aktuelle Themen</p>

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Introducing Revopoint’s New Logo

Introducing Revopoint’s New Logo

Embracing Change and Exploring the Future In 2025, Revopoint unveiled a refreshed brand identity, representing a more precise and innovat...

GiveawaysRevo Scan 5 Challenge: Scan the Holidays!

Revo Scan 5 Challenge: Scan the Holidays!

🎅Celebrate the holiday season by sharing your creative 3D scans and telling us how Revo Scan 5 helped you do it! Scan, share, and win pri...

EventsFrom Accuracy to Innovation: Revopoint Highlights at Formnext 2024

From Accuracy to Innovation: Revopoint Highlights at Formnext 2024

From November 19 to 22, 2024, the renowned 3D printing trade show Formnext took place in Frankfurt, Germany. This significant event gathe...


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Scanning TipsHow to Use MIRACO (Pro/Plus)'s Far Mode and Near Modes

How to Use MIRACO (Pro/Plus)'s Far Mode and Near Modes

From screws to cars and everything in between, the Revopoint MIRACO can scan them all with its advanced Near and Far mode scanning capabi...

ApplicationsTransforming Research and Learning in Pediatric Cardiology with 3D Scanning

Transforming Research and Learning in Pediatric Cardiology with 3D Scanning

Understanding heart anatomy, congenital defects, and disease variations is essential for treatment and education in pediatric cardiology....

Buying GuidesNeed to 3D Scan a Lot of Dark or Shiny Surfaces? Then Get MetroX

Need to 3D Scan a Lot of Dark or Shiny Surfaces? Then Get MetroX

The Revopoint MetroX is a high-accuracy 3D scanner that uses advanced blue laser technology to scan various surfaces, including dark and ...

Ausgewählte Benutzerbewertungen

3D model made by Revopoint 3D scanner


“Loving the POP3! This was a 5 minute scan for a differential swap in a rally car. No careful preparation, no cleaning, just a bit of scanning spray, done in feature mode on android phone. Raw pointcloud processed, cleaned and decimated in geomagic. Perfectly fine for designing diff mounts”

face 3D model made by Revopoint 3D scanner


“This is my largest scan so far. Very pleased with results, especially considering the glossy surface of the physical item and no surface prep.”

shoes 3D model made by Revopoint 3D scanner

@3D Scanning Guy

“Great integrated piece of kit for smallishmedium to large objects. Bodyhead scanner in one!”

Empfohlen von

MIRACO 3D Scanner

“The Revopoint MIRACO offers a polished user experience, and I was impressed with not only the results of the scanner but also at the ease-of-use when editing scans on the integrated touchscreen.”

MIRACO 3D Scanner

“With its convenient, portable design, easy-to-use controls, flexible modes, and powerful features, scanning any object of any size is a breeze.”

RANGE 2 3D Scanner

“The new Revopoint RANGE 2 3D Scanner offers a wide range of features for straightforward, high-quality 3D scanning.”

POP 3 3D Scanner

“Revopoint 3D scanners are known for their incredible precision and ease of use,and their POP 3 3D scanner is one of their best products to date.”

MINI 2 3D Scanner

“The Revopoint Mini 2 elevates itself above the entry-level scanner category, staking a claim as one of the best consumer 3D scanners right now if you’re scanning small objects.”

Recommended By

“The Revopoint MIRACO offers a polished user experience, and I was impressed with not only the results of the scanner but also at the ease-of-use when editing scans on the integrated touchscreen.”

“With its convenient, portable design, easy-to-use controls, flexible modes, and powerful features, scanning any object of any size is a breeze.”

“Revopoint 3D scanners are known for their incredible precision and ease of use,and their POP 3 3D scanner is one of their best products to date.”

“The new Revopoint RANGE 2 3D Scanner offers a wide range of features for straightforward, high-quality 3D scanning.”

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