
Thank you for purchasing our product. We are confident that you’ll be satisfied with the quality and performance of our product. And to ensure your peace of mind, we offer a 2-year warranty on our 3D scanners (accessories only 1 year).

You can request a 2-year Warranty Service for the scanner:

Within 2 years of purchasing the scanner and the defect was confirmed by our Customer Service Team.

Reminder: for scanner issues, please get in touch with  customer@revopoint3d.com first. Otherwise, we may not guarantee the 2-year Warranty Service.

2-year Warranty Service will not be provided where:

  • It is requested beyond 2 years of purchasing a product.
  • It is not ordered from www.revopoint3d.com. (Only order numbers starting with a capital R are eligible.)
  • It is not confirmed to be a defect by the Revopoint Customer Service Team.
  • Damage, defects, and wear and tear caused by users.
  • Legal proof of purchases, receipts, order numbers, or invoices is not provided or reasonably believed to have been forged or tampered with.
  • Product labels, serial numbers, waterproof marks, etc., show signs of tampering or alteration.
  • A product is not delivered to Revopoint 3D within 14 calendar days after a Warranty Service confirmation message is sent from Revopoint 3D.

 *If you are unsure whether your product meets the criteria of a 2-year Warranty Service, do not hesitate to reach out to our email at customer@revopoint3D.com


You can request a 1-year Warranty Service for the accessories:

Within 1 year of purchasing the accessories and the defect was confirmed by our Customer Service Team.

Reminder: for accessories issues, please get in touch with customer@revopoint3d.com first. Otherwise, we may not guarantee the 1-year Warranty Service.

1-year Warranty Service will not be provided where:

  • It is requested beyond 1 year of purchasing a product.
  • It is not ordered from www.revopoint3d.com. (Only order numbers starting with a capital R are eligible.)
  • It is not confirmed to be a defect by the Revopoint Customer Service Team.
  • Damage, defects, and wear and tear caused by users.
  • Legal proof of purchases, receipts, order numbers, or invoices is not provided or reasonably believed to have been forged or tampered with.
  • Product labels, serial numbers, waterproof marks, etc., show signs of tampering or alteration.
  • A product is not delivered to Revopoint 3D within 14 calendar days after a Warranty Service confirmation message is sent from Revopoint 3D.

 *If you are unsure whether your product meets the criteria of a 1-year Warranty Service, do not hesitate to reach out to our email at customer@revopoint3D.com


  1. If you would like to apply for a Warranty Service for the scanner, please contact us within 2 years of purchasing your product(s). If you would like to apply for a Warranty Service for the accessories, please contact us within 1 year of purchasing your products.
  2. Contact Revopoint 3D's support at customer@revopoint3d.com using the email address you registered on Revopoint 3D Online Store, and provide the following information:

    Order Number:

    Serial Number:

    Defective Product Name & Quantity:

    Images or Videos of Products defect:


    1. We will process your application within one or two working days after receiving your email.
    2. Return Shipping

      The consumer is not required to pay the return shipping fee if the Customer Service Team confirms the product is defective.

      Processing Time

      The replacement product will be issued within 2 working days after receiving the defective product.