Revo Scan 5

Revo Scan 5
Scanning and Editing Software
Revo Scan 5
Supported Devices: POP Series, MINI Series, RANGE Series, INSPIRE, MIRACO Series
Revo Scan 5 enables point cloud capture, post-processing, and multi-model alignment, empowering you to scan and process quickly.
Supported OS: Windows, macOS, Android, iOS
Revo Scan 5 MetroX
Revo Scan 5 MetroX
Scanning and Editing Software
Revo Scan 5 MetroX
Supported Devices: MetroX
Revo Scan 5 MetroX enables point cloud capture, post-processing, and multi-model alignment, empowering you to scan and process quickly.
Supported OS: Windows & macOS
Revo Assistant

Revo Assistant
Accessories Control App
Revo Assistant
The Application is designed to control your Dual-axis Turntable and Large Turntable in real time while scanning.

Runs on Nearly

PC Update Notes
Revo Scan 5.5.0
Updated 2024-10-23
Legacy Version
2. Adds new tooltips.
3. Optimizes the UI of "Select connection" tools.
4. UI changes.
5. Optimizes the UI of "Base Removal" tools.
6. Fixes some bugs.
7. Optimizes the user experience.
Mac users must reinstall Revo Scan and reauthorize local network access if they update to macOS 15.0.
2. The following scanners now support Global Marker Tracking: INSPIRE, MIRACO, POP 2, POP 3, POP 3 Plus, MINI, MINI 2, RANGE, and RANGE 2.
3. Fixes some bugs.
4. Optimizes the user experience.
2. Adds POP 3 Plus to the “First Use Tutorials” section of the Learning page.
3. Fixes some bugs.
4. Optimizes the user experience.
2. Adds calibration support for POP 3 Plus.
3. Adds connection guide for POP 3 Plus.
4. Adds Global Marker tracking mode for POP 3 Plus
5. Adds Japanese, French, and Spanish user manuals.
6. Adds tutorial videos and scanning tips to the Chinese support page.
7. Optimizes the layout of the customer service area on the start page.
2. Optimizes the minimum point distance for advanced point cloud fusion for POP, MINI series.
3. Adds a notification to inform you if a laptop is disconnected from a power supply.
4. Adds light source direction settings.
5. Adds more file formats: point cloud (ASC) and mesh (FBX/GLTF/3MF).
6. Adds a toggle to rotate the camera 90°.
7. Adds Turkish language support.
8. Improves Wi-Fi stability.
9. Optimizes scanner settings UI.
10. Optimizes cumulative frames capture.
11. Fixes some bugs.
12. Optimizes the user experience.
2. Adds a function to control the Dual-axis Turntable's rotation start/pause with the scanner's start/pause controls.
3. Scanning Distance settings are now saved and remembered in projects.
4. MIRACO's screenshots and screen recordings can now be imported to a PC in Revo Scan.
5. Adds a prompt to name projects when creating a new project. It can be turned off in the settings.
6. Optimizes the depth cameras' ROI automatic exposure. You no longer need to click to adjust the exposure.
7. Adds a tool description for the depth cameras' digital zoom function.
8. Changing a project's name on the home screen will also change the folder's name on the hard disk.
2. Adds location references for Single-shot mode.
3. Adds a zoom-to-fit display function.
4. Adds regional options in Wi-Fi settings.
5. Adds a button to easily access log files in the Feedback form.
6. One-tap Edit, Point Cloud Fusion, and Texture processes can now be canceled during processing.
7. The Tab Bar is now available for Macs.
8. Fixes some bugs.
9. Optimizes the user experience.
2. Fixes some bugs.
3. Optimizes the UX.
2. Adds an option to customize model materials (diffuse, matte, shiny) and display colors.
3. Adds wireframe display for mesh models.
4. Optimizes the project cover on the home page.
5. Adds demo models.
6. Optimizes the overall UX.
7. Fixes some bugs.
2. Scan settings can now be saved and imported.
3. Adds a single-shot mode.
4. Updates the Learning section.
5. Adds downsampling method selection when simplifying point clouds.
6. Holes can now be selected using the selection tools.
7. Adds a screenshot function.
8. Adds a option to show the mesh.
9. Adds an exposure error prompt.
10. The scan panel can now be collapsed.
11. When exporting, the model's center is set to the coordinate origin by default.
12. Adds a subtraction from the selection function.
13. Adds a magnifying function to marker alignment mode in Merge.
14. The home screen can now be maximized.
15. Optimizes the UX of hole selection.
2. Changes the depth cameras' auto exposure default setting to off instead of on.
2. Adds a connected domain selector
3. Optimizes the clipping tool
4. Adds color image and grid vertex color texture mapping modes
5. Optimizes the scan preview interface
6. Adds the option to select all holes for manual hole-filling.
7. Adds the details of the scan's setting in model properties
8. Adds a link to the YouTube tutorial video under the Learning button on the left side of the Home page
9. Adds a switch to swap between manually adjusting the RGB Camera's white balance and exposure
10. Adds support to calibrate RANGE
11. Optimizes the Selection tools
12. Export the model, click Open in Folder, and the exported file will be automatically selected.
13. Updates the Learning section.
14. Optimizes the interaction logic and related UI.