Revo Scan Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Revopoint (“we” or “Company”) deeply understands the importance of personal information to the users and will take corresponding security measures in accordance with laws and regulations and strive to protect the user’s personal information to keep it secure and under control.

  • Announcement and Definition

This Policy applies to Revopoint software products and services (including but not limited to Revo Scan, MIRACO, Revo Assistant, and SDKs). If our Affiliates use products or services provided by Revopoint for their own products or services but no separate privacy policy has been formulated, this Policy shall also apply to such products or services.

Before using Revopoint products or services, please carefully read and thoroughly understand this Policy and confirm that you have fully understood and agreed to this Policy before using relevant products or services. Your use of Revopoint products or services shall be deemed as fully understanding and agreeing to this Policy.

Please note that Revopoint products and applications (including but not limited to Revo Scan, MIRACO, Revo Assistant, and SDKs) are using Sensors SDK, which will obtain your Android ID.

  • How We Collect and Use Your Personal Information
  1. Personally Non-identifiable Information

When you access the Revopoint software, register, or log in to the Revopoint SDK, we may collect information such as the user’s route of origin, visit order, etc., for example, recording the route of origin of each user accessing the website.

  1. Personally Identifiable Information

We will collect the user’s internet access records and log information (including software usage records, click records, operation logs, etc.) device information (including device model, MAC address, operating system, etc.). Please note that individual log information, device information, etc., is information that cannot identify a specific person.

  1. Permissions Required

3.1 Revo Scan

1) New Scans

When creating a new scan, Revo Scan requires access to the 3D scanner’s cameras (3D camera, RGB camera), and if you refuse the authorization, you will not be able to scan with the Revopoint scanner.

2) Data Storage

When scanning, Revo Scan requires access to the device’s storage space. If you refuse the authorization, the 3D files generated by the scanner will not be saved on your devices.

When you edit the model, Revo Scan requires access to the storage space. If you refuse the authorization, you will not be able to make any edits to the models.

3) Accessory Connection

When you control related accessories via the application, Revo Scan requires Bluetooth and Wi-Fi permissions. If you refuse the authorization, you will not be able to connect or control the accessories.

4) Screenshot and Screen Recording

When you take a screenshot or screen recording, the Revo Scan requires storage space permission or album permission. If you refuse the authorization, the screenshots and screen recording videos will not be saved on your devices.

  1. Cookies and Log Files

We or our third-party partners may obtain and use your information via cookies and store such information as log information. We provide our users with a smooth internet browsing experience through cookies, which are small pieces of text sent from a website you visit to your browser and stored on your computer. Cookies help us to determine which pages and content you are visiting. You should be able to control whether and how cookies are accepted by a browser. Please check the related documents in the browser for more information.

  1. Third-party SDKs

Our products or services may include third-party SDKs or similar applications. When you use such services provided by third parties within our products or services, you agree that they collect and process your information directly (such as through embedded code, plugins, etc.). To ensure the maximum security of your information, we strongly recommend that you review the privacy policies of any third-party SDK services before using them. To safeguard your legal rights, we will make efforts to review the business qualifications of such third parties and request their compliance with legality and security. If you identify any risks associated with such SDKs or similar applications, we recommend terminating the related operations immediately and contacting us promptly.

  • Purpose of Collecting Personal Information

We collect personal information to provide better applications, SDK products, or services to all the users.

  1. By authorizing storage permission (read and write) and camera permission, you will be able to use Revo Scan. We will improve our products and services by analyzingthe bugs occurring in the operation of the application through the logs. We will use cookies to speed up the browsing experience.
  2. Unless otherwise stated in a country-specificaddendum, your Personal Information may be collected without your authorization and consent under the following circumstances:
  • National safety and national defense security are involved.
  • Public security, public health, or major public interests are involved.
  • Criminal investigation, prosecution, judgment,and enforcement are involved.
  • For the purpose of protecting your or other individual’s life, property,and other major lawful rights and interests, where it is hard to obtain your or such individual’s prior consent.
  • The Personal Information is disclosed voluntarily by you to the public;
  • The Personal Information is collected from the information disclosed through lawful channels, such as lawful news reports or information disclosure by a government.
  • Necessary to enter into a contract at your request.
  • Necessary for legitimate news reporting.
  • Necessary for academic research institutions to carry out statistical or academic research based on public interest and to de-identify the information contained in the results when providing the results of academic research or descriptions to the public.
  • Other cases stipulated by laws and regulations.
  • How We Store Your Personal Information
  1. Storage location: Followinglaws and regulations, personal information collected and generated will be stored in the People's Republic of China and will not be transmitted outside the country. If it is necessary to send such information outside the country due to business development, we will inform you and obtain your consent.
  2. Storage period: We will take reasonable and feasible measures to store your personal information and try our best to avoid collecting irrelevant personal information. We will only keep your personal information for the period required to achieve the purpose stated in the Policy and the period required by applicable laws and regulations. After your personal information exceeds the retention period, we will delete your personal information or make it anonymous according to the requirements of applicable laws.
  • How We Protect Your Personal Information
  1. In order to protect your information security, we have taken reasonable and feasible security protection measures in line with industry standards to protect your information from unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modification, damage,or loss of your personal information.
  2. We will take reasonable and feasible measures to store your personal information and try our best to avoid collecting irrelevant personal information. We will only keep your personal information for the period required to achieve the purpose stated in the Policy and the period required by applicable laws and regulations.
  • Know Your Rights

We understand that everyone has different concerns regarding privacy. You can limit the collection, use, disclosure, or processing of your personal information by the following means:

  • Prohibiting cookies from collecting your browsing information;
  • Prohibiting applications from invoking your camera and storage permissions (although doing so will result in the inability to use the application).
  • How We Process Children’s Personal Information

Our products and applications are intended primarily for adults. In accordance with relevant laws and regulations, minor users require consent of a parent or guardian before use.

For the case that we collect personal information from children with parental consent, we will only use or publicly disclose the information as permitted by law, with the explicit consent of the parent or guardian, or as necessary to protect the child.

Although local laws and customs define children differently, we consider anyone under the age of 14 to be a child.

If we find that we have collected personal information from a child without achieving parental consent, we will delete the related data as soon as possible.

  • How We Update this Policy

Our Policy may change from time to time. We will publish any changes on this page. Your continuous use of Revopoint products or services shall be deemed as fully understanding and agreeing to this Policy.

  • How to Contact Us

Company Name: Revopoint 3D Technologies Inc.

Address: Office 902, 9/F, Tinno Building, Tongfa South Rd, Xili Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, 518000, P.R.China.


Tel: +1 (888) 807-3339

We will strictly comply with relevant laws and regulations and take reasonable and feasible measures recognized by the industry to protect your personal information (prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, use, modification, damage, or loss of information).

If you have any questions or suggestions about this Privacy Policy, contact us via


Last Updated: 12/12/2023

Effective Date: 12/12/2023



We will share your personal information with our partner companies and third parties, as well as device-related IMEI, Android ID, MAC address, location, and IP address.

To ensure Revopoint products and applications (including but not limited to Revo Scan, MIRACO, Revo Assistant, and SDKs) running safely and stable, we may use the software development kits (SDKs) provided by the third parties and affiliates to achieve the relevant purposes. We will strictly monitor the SDKs used by our partner companies to protect data security, and the relevant SDKs we use will be listed.

Using third-party services: We may use the following third-party SDK services to collect and use your information with your explicit consent. We will share certain information that we collect from you under this Policy with such third-party service providers to improve customer service and user experience. The following content will function after you agree to this privacy policy; we will not obtain the relevant information if you refuse this authorization.

The specific SDKs are used as follows:

Third-party SDK

Third-party Service Provider

Third-party Privacy Policy

Shared Personal Information

Scenarios of Use

Purpose of Use

Sensors Analytics

Sensors Data

Privacy Policy

Unique Device Identifier (IMEI, Andriod_ID.GUID), Device MAC Address, Usage Duration, Interactive Operations

For statistical analysis

For statistical analysis, improving our products and services